Planning and Zoning Recommends Minor Changes to Pipeline Setbacks

by Brian Wilson
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–The Kossuth County Planning and Zoning Commission will recommend some minor changes to the proposed zoning amendments the Board of Supervisors will consider concerning the transport of hazardous liquid through a pipeline. During a meeting Monday afternoon, the commission discussed proposed setbacks from cities, residences and other things the pipelines could get close to if they’re constructed. Committee member Brian Thul led part of the discussion with regards to possible changes they may recommend.

The proposed amendments would go into Kossuth County’s existing Zoning ordinance, to try and regulate local land use with regards to proposed carbon capture pipeline projects.

The attorney helping the county draft the changes, Tim Whipple, has told both the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Supervisors that making these changes could bring legal action from the project developers. With that in mind, the commission did not seek drastic changes to the proposed regulations that have previously been discussed.

The commission tabled a vote on formally sending their recommended changes to the Board of Supervisors during their meeting Monday. County Zoning Administrator Doug Miller will now prepare a document with the recommendations from the commission in writing, so that they can officially approve them and present their recommendations to the Board of Supervisors in a few weeks. The Supervisors will then decide to either approve the recommendations or leave the language as it is currently.

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