AAUW Holds Candidate Forum

by Brian Wilson

–The Algona chapter of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) hosted a local candidate forum Tuesday night, ahead of the November city and school board elections. There are no contested races for the Algona School Board or City Council this year, but a few of the candidates were in attendance to answer questions on a wide variety of topics. The School Board candidates were asked about the state’s new Educational Savings Account program, that gives state money to parents to move their children from a public school to a private school. Tom Nugent, who currently serves on the Algona School Board, and is seeking reelection, discussed the topic of school vouchers.

The city council candidates in attendance were asked to discuss recent city improvements and things they would like to improve going forward. 4th ward Councilman Harley Kohlhaas discussed recent street improvements as a success, and he says more can be done to improve the community.

If you would like to view the candidate forum, you can click below.

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