Operation EDITH Set for Thursday Night

by Brian Wilson

–Members of the Algona Fire Department will be driving through town tonight, encouraging residents to think about what they would do if a fire broke out in their home. Tony Rahm serves as Assistant Chief for the Algona Fire Department, and he tells KLGA News they are hoping to see a lot of families take part in Operation EDITH.

EDITH stands for Exit Drills in the Home, and is being conducted as a part of National Fire Safety week.

Rahm says they will have a number of trucks driving through each neighborhood tonight.

To go along with the discussion and planning of what to do in case of a fire in your home, officials say this is a good time to check the batteries in your smoke detectors, which can be the first line of defense in a home fire. The National Fire Protection Association recommends homes have at least one smoke detector on every level, including the basement. It is highly recommended that each bedroom has a smoke detector, along with rooms outside of the sleeping areas.

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