Ramaswamy Brings Presidential Campaign to Kossuth County

by Brian Wilson

–Republican Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy made a campaign stop in Algona Tuesday as the Iowa Caucuses draw near. Ramaswamy addressed a crowd in downtown Algona, where he described what he feels are true American values.

Ramaswamy has campaigned on a pledge to drastically reduce the size of the federal government, as he told the crowd he would shut down agencies like the FBI, ATF, Department of Education and CDC.

Ramaswamy says part of the reason he is running is to make it so politicians can’t get wealthy while in office and after leaving.

After speaking for about 15 minutes, the Ohio businessman took some questions from the audience, and was asked about his positions on agriculture.

Ramaswamy went a step further when addressing the issue of eminent domain and carbon capture pipeline.

At 38-years-old, Ramaswamy is by far the youngest candidate in the GOP field. Currently 4th in the latest Iowa GOP polls, Ramaswamy is barnstorming the state before the holiday, with over 30 events planned through Saturday.

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