KRHC Delivers 1st Baby of 2024

by Brian Wilson

–An Algona couple are the proud parents of the first baby born at Kossuth Regional Health Center in 2024.

According to a news release, Zachary Israel Meza Jr. was born on Saturday, weighing in at 8 pounds, 2 ounces and measuring 22 inches long. Proud parents of the baby boy are Zach Meza and Yecenia Campuzano of Algona. Maternal grandparents are Maria and Antonia Campuzano of Algona and paternal grandmother is Maria O Lainez of Bakersfield, California.

Zachary is being welcomed home by his sister Zoey. He was delivered by Dr. Jeff Doolittle and Dr. Brent Owen.

For being the first baby born this year, Zachary and his parents received a gift basket from KRHC, including baby items from the KRHC Auxiliary Gift Shop and a handmade quilt donated by Janet Perkins.

Doctors at KRHC delivered nearly the same number of babies over the last few years. In 2021, the facility delivered 129 babies. In 2022, the number was 127, and in 2023 there were 128 babies born at KRHC. For more information about obstetrics care and upcoming childbirth classes you can go online to or by checking out Kossuth Regional Health Center on Facebook.

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