City Taking Bids for Ash Tree Removal

by Brian Wilson

–The City of Algona is seeking bids to cut down Ash trees around town that have been designated for removal to mitigate the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer. Deputy City Administrator Barb Smith discussed the bidding process with the City Council during their meeting on Monday.

Smith says anyone who would like to submit a bid can see exactly what the effort would entail by going to the city’s website.

City Administrator Jacob Tjaden they may add more trees to the removal list depending on what the bids look like.

Sealed bids need to be received at City Hall by 9AM on Thursday, February 22nd, as the bids will be tabulated at that time. The City Council will award the bid during their meeting on Monday, March 4th. All of the information need to submit a bid is available at

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