AMU Compiling Water Line Information

by Brian Wilson
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–Algona Municipal Utilities is trying to collect data on water lines for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

AMU Water Operations Manager Jarrod Sturtz says they will be working to complete an inventory to identify materials used in service lines for the DNR, as every Iowa water system is required to supply.

AMU already has the necessary information from half of their water customers. The company will be contacting customers that they still need information from during the first part of May, in which they will provide instructions on how the customer can submit that for them. What they need is a picture of the water service line right by the meter, which is usually found in a home’s basement.

If a customer would feel more comfortable, they can contact AMU and they will send a staff member to take the picture. If you have any questions or need more information, you can contact the AMU office by calling 515-295-3584.

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