Bill Establishes Guidelines for THC Drinks in Vehicles

by Brian Wilson

A bill headed to the governor’s desk establishes penalties for drivers AND passengers if an officer finds an open container of a drink that contains T-H-C in the vehicle. Representative Zach Dieken of Granville is a state trooper.

The penalty for anyone over the age of 21 caught with an open THC infused beverage in a vehicle would be a simple misdemeanor. That’s identical to the charge for having an open container of alcohol in a vehicle. For anyone under the age of 21, there’d be a 200 dollar fine for a first offense and, if there’s a second offense, they’d have to undergo a substance abuse evaluation or lose their license for up to a year. Representative Jerome Amos Jr. of Waterloo says it’s an important bill.

The bill passed the House AND Senate unanimously last week.

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