Like it or Not, Severe Weather Season is Here

by Brian Wilson

–Emergency Management officials are teaming up with the National Weather Service to remind Iowans about the dangers ahead during “Severe Weather Awareness” week, which runs March 24th-28th.

Kossuth County Emergency Management Coordinator Charissa Mueller says that each day of the week will focus on different aspects of severe weather and how to stay safe. The week will also feature a state-wide tornado drill on Wednesday.

Monday’s focus is lightning safety, with Tuesday’s focus on Tornado safety. Wednesday’s theme is preparedness, while Thursday will be Hail and Wind Safety, and Friday will center around Floods.

A statewide tornado drill will be conducted Wednesday at 10 AM, and Mueller says Kossuth County will be participating. Area residents are encouraged to take part and practice what they would do if a tornado warning were to be issued.

For more information about Severe Weather Awareness Week, you can go online to or find the Emergency Management tab at

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