Iowan’s Encouraged to Test their Home for Radon

by Brian Wilson

A federal E-P-A report says Iowa’s soil has the nation’s worst concentration of radon, with about seven in every ten Iowa homes containing enough of the gas that action is needed. Liz Orton, outreach coordinator for the Iowa Cancer Consortium, says radon is invisible, tasteless and odorless — and it’s also radioactive. 

Radon is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in Iowa, behind only tobacco use. The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services says radon results in about 400 deaths in the state every year. Orton recommends every Iowa homeowner invest in a radon test kit as radon levels in Iowa are almost seven times higher than the national average. 

If those results come back showing a dangerous level of radon in your home, it’s recommended you take action right away. 


Although radon is most-often found in basements, it can be present on any story of a home or building. January is Radon Action Month in Iowa. 

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