State Auditor Holds Event in Algona

by Brian Wilson

–State Auditor Rob Sand made a stop in Algona Thursday, meeting with area residents to discuss a wide variety of topics. Sand spoke with KLGA News following the event where he expressed concerns over several issues that were just passed the State Legislature, including the Educational Savings Accounts that will allow public money to be used to cover the costs of private school education expenses.

Sand says his biggest concern with the new program surrounds the transparency of how those taxpayer funds are being used.

Sand took issue with the new law that could limit what records state agencies must turn over to his office during an audit.

Sand also discussed his opposition to the use of taxpayer funds to pay out lawsuits filed against state agencies. He highlighted a discrimination lawsuit filed against the University of Iowa Athletics Department, that was settled for 4-Million dollars, and a lawsuit filed against the Governor for failing to provide open records in a timely manner.

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