Union Slough to Open Auto Tour August 1

by Brian Wilson

–The Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge will open up their auto tour route next week, beginning August 1st. Refuge Manager Ed Meendering tells KLGA News the tour route has received a fresh layer of gravel and is ready for traffic.

Meendering says you can see wildlife at various spots along the tour route.

With the weather turning warmer, Meendering says you may want to come out earlier in the day to see the best wildlife activity.

The refuge headquarters had been closed throughout the pandemic, but Meendering says it is open now if you would like to learn more about the history of the Union Slough.

The tour route will be open, sunrise to sunset, beginning August 1st through September 20th. The route begins at the Union Slough headquarters, located along County Road A42 six miles east of Bancroft. If you have questions, you can call 515-928-2523.

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