City of Algona Seeking Proposals

by Mike Vandy

The City of Algona is seeking proposals from developers to purchase and rehabilitate a city owned residential property located at 812 S Moore Street. According to a release from the city, the property requires several repairs and updates, all of which will be outlined in the city’s request for and consideration of proposals. The property will be sold on the condition the purchaser agrees to repair the home within 24 months.

First consideration will be give to proposals received by 5pm on Thursday, August 31st. Proposals must meet this deadline to be considered during the public hearing set for September 18th. If no proposals are received by the first consideration deadline or if a proposal is not selected at the September 18th City Council Meeting, then the request will remain open in perpetuity, unless/until otherwise directed by the Algona City Council.

Information is available at or by calling Barb Smith, Deputy City Administrator at 295 2411.

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