Developers Pull the Plug on Navigator Pipeline Project

by Brian Wilson

Developers of the Heartland Greenway carbon pipeline that would have run through Northern Kossuth County have cancelled the project.

The Navigator C-O-2 pipeline was one of three projects proposed to ship carbon from ethanol plants to underground storage. Navigator’s 810-mile route through Iowa would have sent the liquid carbon to storage in central Illinois. The pipeline would have linked up with the Valero ethanol plant near Lakota.

Last month, South Dakota regulators denied the company’s pipeline route application for that state. Last week, Navigator asked the Iowa Utilities Board to put its Iowa application on hold. Navigator’s C-E-O says as good stewards of capital and responsible managers of people, the company has made the difficult decision to cancel the project.

The Iowa Utility Board’s hearing on the application from a different developer — Summit Carbon Solutions — is scheduled to resume next month. Summit executives recently pushed back the estimated start date for moving carbon through their pipeline by more than a year after permit setbacks in both North and South Dakota.

Summit Carbon Solutions issued a statement Friday morning regarding the Navigator Project:

“Summit Carbon Solutions welcomes and is well positioned to add additional plants and communities to our project footprint. We remain as committed to our project as the day we announced it. It’s not often you get the opportunity to positively impact an industry that touches every farmer and rural community across the Midwest. We have reached voluntary agreements along nearly 75% of our proposed route – we are pleased that the vast majority of landowners and farmers across the Midwest embrace the project. We look forward to building a generational asset that will create new markets for the ethanol industry and farmers.” 

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