AARP Raises Concerns Over Proposed Rate Hikes by Alliant

by Brian Wilson

An advocacy group for older Iowans is raising concerns about Alliant Energy’s proposal to raise its natural gas and electric rates. Brad Anderson is state director for A-A-R-P.

Alliant has asked the Iowa Utilities Board to approve a five percent rate increase for its 250-thousand natural gas customers. Alliant is seeking a seven-point-seven percent increase in rates for its half a million electric customers in Iowa. Anderson calls that excessive.

Anderson says A-A-R-P is urging the Iowa Utilities Board to carefully review Alliant’s application, including its return on equity, which is a measure of its profitability.

Alliant says it needs to modernize and strengthen its energy grid by moving overhead powerlines underground — and that will reduce power outages. About 20 percent of the company’s lines are underground today. Alliant’s last rate hike was in 2019 and since then the company says it has dealt with inflation and the repair of infrastructure damaged by the derecho in August of 2020. The Iowa Utilities Board has held four public hearings this month on Alliant’s rate hike request.

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