College Scholarships Available Through KCCF

by Brian Wilson

–Area students who are looking for a little help to cover the cost of a college education are reminded of the scholarship opportunities available through the Kossuth County Community Foundation. Amy Wiles serves as the Director of Scholarship Impact for the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa, and she tells KLGA News that scholarship applications are available now.

Wiles says students may not have all the information they need right at this moment, but they should have enough to at least start the process.

All applications need to be submitted online, so Wiles suggests checking to see what information is needed before you start filling out forms.

Wiles says the foundation is another way that students can help fund their post-high school education and keep their student debt as low as possible.

For more information about these scholarship opportunities, you can go online to To apply through the Algona Community School Foundation, applications need to be completed by April 5th.

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