Supervisors Canvass Primary Election Results

by Brian Wilson

–The Kossuth County Board of Supervisors officially canvassed the June 4th primary election results during their meeting this week, providing a look at some of the write-in votes that were cast. There was no Democrat on the primary ballot for Kossuth County Sheriff, however Roger Fisher received the majority of the write-in votes from Democrats, while also winning the Republican party primary.

In the race for District #2 Board of Supervisors, Howard Haas defeated Will Struecker for the Republican party nomination, however Struecker could still appear on the November General Election ballot if he chooses. Struecker received a write-in vote in the Libertarian primary, meaning he could be the Libertarian party nominee for the District #2 seat if he chooses to switch party affiliation.

In the race for District #5 Board of Supervisors, Amber Garman won the 3-way contest for the Republican party nomination, while Dennis Higgins nearly had the same opportunity as Struecker. Higgins and Garman each received 2 write-in votes for the Libertarian party, meaning a drawing was held to determine the nominee. Chairman Kyle Stecker ended up drawing Garman’s name, meaning she could be the libertarian nominee is she chose to do so.

The board discussed what happens now for those who won 2 different party primaries.

Kossuth County most recently saw a local party affiliation switch in 2020, when Bo Miller lost the Republican party primary for Sheriff, but won the Democratic primary as a write-in candidate. Miller switched parties and was on the November ballot as a Democrat.

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