Supervisors Continue Discussion on Budget Amendment

by Brian Wilson

–The Kossuth County Board of Supervisors continued their discussion about a budget amendment to the current fiscal year during their meeting Tuesday morning. Last week, the board initially voted to place a budget amendment on their agenda for August 13th that would deal with library funding and a raise for county employees not covered by union contracts. However, after further discussion later that day, the board voted to postpone that budget amendment until they could receive guidance from legal counsel about what was now included. Supervisor Carter Nath says the board did receive feedback about whether they can legally implement a raise for county employees at this point.

Chairman Kyle Stecker says they can’t move forward and vote on this budget amendment blindly.

The board will continue with their discussions about the budget amendment next week. Supervisor Roger Tjarks brought forward the idea of including a 2% pay increase for county employees two weeks ago, and the board had voted at that time to include the increase in a budget amendment that had already been planned to address library funding in the county.

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