Eagle Grove, Forest City, Garner Hayfield Ventura to Join North Central Conference in 2026

by Tyler Lance

Three additional schools are set to join the North Central Conference beginning with the 2026-2027 school year, as the the league officially released a statement on Friday confirming the additions of Eagle Grove, Forest City, and Garner Hayfield Ventura, all current members of the Top of Iowa West.

An initial vote on accepting an invitation from the NCC was held by the three school boards on November 11th, with Forest City and Eagle Grove voting in favor of the move, on the condition that all three schools would accept the invitation. However, the Garner Hayfield Ventura school board initially voted 3-2 against the move, meaning all three teams would remain in the Top of Iowa West for the time being.

However, at a special meeting held on November 26th, the Garner Hayfield Ventura board reconsidered the earlier vote, voting 4-1 in favor of joining the NCC beginning in 2026-2027.

With the previous addition of Charles City, who will now fully join the league one year earlier than originally plan to line up the timeline with the other three schools, the NCC will expand to 12 teams, as the current proposal includes a format of two divisions consisting of six teams based on enrollment.

The full statement from the North Central Conference is below.

To read more about the proposed changes to the North Central Conference, read the article below from November 12th, before Garner Hayfield Ventura accepted their NCC invitation:

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