Council to Fill 3rd Ward Vacancy Following Resignation

by Brian Wilson

–The City of Algona is looking for a new council person to serve in the 3rd ward, located on the city’s east side. During their meeting this past week, the council accepted the resignation of Jodi Alt, creating the vacancy. City Administrator Jacob Tjaden addressed the council on their options to fill the seat.

The council can appoint someone from the 3rd ward to fill the seat, but they will have to do so in a timely manner, otherwise a special election would be needed.

Tjaden says the official notice will be put out to the public this week.

Alt’s term on the council is scheduled to expire on December 31st of 2025. Whoever is appointed to represent the 3rd ward will serve  until the next City election, when they would have to be elected to fill out the remainder of the term.

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