Financial Assistance Available to Area Residents

by Brian Wilson

Iowa Lakes Community College is reminding area residents who may not be traditional students, that there is financial assistance available for a handful of short-term continuing education programs in high-demand occupations. In 2022, over 60 individuals received assistance from Iowa Lakes through the GAP Tuition Assistance program. William Musgrove is a Career and Transition Counselor for Iowa Lakes, and he tells KLGA News that GAP Tuition can be a great tool for area residents interested in taking courses that can help them change careers or add skills to their current one.

Musgrove says many area residents simply don’t know that these funds are available, which is a fact they want to change.

Musgrove says the GAP funding is available to cover costs for courses in many different career fields.

Musgrove says for anyone interested in finding out which courses are available, they can apply for GAP funding on the Iowa Lakes website.

To find a complete list of courses eligible to receive GAP assistance, you can go online to If you have any questions, you can reach out to Musgrove by calling 712-580-8617.

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