Stalemate Over Transfer Station Position Continues

by Brian Wilson

–For a second straight week, the Kossuth County Board of Supervisors did not act on a recommendation to appoint a new manager for the County Landfill and Transfer station. Last week, Supervisor Kyle Stecker tabled the motion to appoint Blake Stevens as the new manager following the resignation of Dustin Hansen earlier this month, citing concerns about comments Hansen made during an exit interview. Stecker was the only Supervisor at the exit interview and planned to share those comments with the board during their meeting Tuesday, comments that appear to be aimed at County Engineer Doug Miller. Before Stecker began to read the comments from his notes, he was stopped by Supervisor Jack Plathe, who objected to having the comments read without Hansen present to corroborate them. The board then asked County Attorney Todd Holmes to weigh in on the matter.

Holmes told the board that without having any prior knowledge of the issue would make a quick decision impossible.

Holmes told the board he will investigate how they can share the information more closely.

Following the discussion about the exit interview, the board decided to take no action on the manager recommendation after Supervisor Carter Nath argued the position has not been properly advertised according to the county’s handbook. While there is no manager in place, other county employees will be covering the staffing needs of the Transfer Station.

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