Union Slough will Open Tour Route During National Wildlife Refuge Week

by Brian Wilson

–The Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge near Bancroft will open its tour route for the final time this year during National Refuge Week. Refuge Manager Ed Meendering tells KLGA News the Union Slough has a long history, and they hope people will come out and see the wildlife before they leave for the winter.

Meendering says the refuge has natural beauty as well as the interesting wildlife that can been seen along the tour route.

Once National Wildlife Refuge week concludes, the tour route won’t be open again until next spring.

The Auto Tour will be open, sunrise to sunset, October 6th through the 15th. The tour route begins at the Union Slough headquarters, located along County Road A42, about 6 miles east of Bancroft. The tour route is nearly 4.5 miles long, and will take visitors through wetlands, open water and prairie habitat.

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