Trump is Top Choice Amongst Kossuth County Republicans

by Brian Wilson
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–Former President Donald Trump was the overwhelming choice for Kossuth County Republicans on Monday night, as he was across the state of Iowa.

Trump pulled in 51% of the statewide vote during Monday’s caucuses, easily outdistancing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley. DeSantis received 21% of the statewide vote while Haley brought in 19%. Finishing a distancing 4th was Vivek Ramaswamy, who received nearly 8% of the vote. The Ohio businessman, who was the youngest competitor in the field, ended his campaign and has backed Trump.

Here in Kossuth County, Trump took over 67% of the vote, while DeSantis finished a distant second receiving nearly 16% support. A total of 641 votes were counted from the 3 meeting sites in Kossuth County.

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