City to Receive Over 300K in Federal Funds for Airport Improvements

by Brian Wilson
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–The City of Algona is receiving over $300,000 in federal funding to purchase new equipment at the municipal airport.

Senator Chuck Grassley’s Office announced this week that Algona is one of 20 Iowa airports that will be splitting over $15 Million in funding to modernize infrastructure to help ensure safe and efficient travel through the state and nation.

The Algona Municipal airport will receive a $360,000 grant to assist with snow removal. Deputy City Administrator Barb Smith tells KLGA News they will purchase a new tractor and snow blower attachment for the tractor.

The funding comes from the Airport Infrastructure Grants program that was created in the bipartisan infrastructure package passed by Congress and signed by President Biden back in 2021.

The Des Moines International Airport will be receiving the largest award from the program amongst Iowa airports, a $5 Million dollar grant to help fund construction of a new terminal.

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