Governor Signs Imitation Meat and Poultry Bill

by Brian Wilson
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Governor Kim Reynolds has signed legislation that creates new labeling requirements for meat and egg alternatives.

Starting July 1st, any plant-based, lab grown or insect-based protein product sold in Iowa stores will have to be clearly labeled as something other than meat or eggs.

Reynolds signed the bill before a large crowd gathered on a farm near Ladora where hogs and cattle are raised. Senator Dawn Driscoll, a Republican from Williamsburg who raises cattle, calls it a “meat integrity” law.

The law directs state officials to seek a waiver to prevent Iowans from using federal food assistance to buy immitation egg products. It also prohibits school districts, community colleges and the three state universities from buying lab-grown meat and any misbranded protein. Representative Heather Hora (HOR-uh), a Republican from Washington, is a pork producer.

Reynolds signed a second bill into law during her farm stop. It extends a capital gains tax break on state income taxes for the sale of livestock used for breeding, like bulls, boars and rams.

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