Contestants Needed for Frostbite Olympics Soup Contest

by Brian Wilson

–One of the most popular events during Algona’s annual Frostbite Olympics will be led by a new group this year, and they are in need of participants. The Algona Morwen’s Kiwanis club had been the longtime sponsor of the chili cookoff, but the club disbanded back in September, leaving the event in limbo. Rhonda Ostwald with the Algona Soroptimist Club tells KLGA News they will be hosting the event from 5-7 PM on January 30th.

This year’s event will be slightly different, as it will be a soup cookoff and not just a chili cookoff. Ostwald says you can still make chili if you would like.

There is no charge to enter the contest, and Ostwald says signing up is easy.

The cook-off will be held on Thursday, January 30th at the Algona VFW Hall, prior to the trivia contest. There will be prizes awarded in two categories, Judge’s Choice and People’s Choice. To sign up, contact Ostwald by calling 515-341-3787 or you can email [email protected]. The deadline is January 16th, and more information will be provided upon registration.

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