Warmer Temps Means Thin Ice on Iowa’s Rivers and Lakes

by Brian Wilson

Temperatures are expected to be above normal the rest of this week in what has already been an up-and-down cycle in Iowa. The wide range of temperatures can impact the quality of ice forming on lakes and rivers. The D-N-R’s Pete Hildreth says you should be checking for a minimum of four inches of clear ice for fishing and at least five inches for snowmobiles and A-T-V’s.

Hildreth says it’s better to wait than risk a chance of going out on thin ice.

The D-N-R has several other tips for those venturing out on the ice this winter.

Hildreth says off-colored snow or ice is usually a sign of weaker ice.

Hildreth says you should also take a basic first aid kit and an extra set of dry clothes including a pair of gloves when you’re exploring the ice this winter.

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