Funds Available to Plant Trees in Algona

by Brian Wilson

–If the recent storms have left you looking for a new tree to plant in your yard, the City of Algona is reminding residents that monetary assistance is available. The city will help cover part of the expenses for trees that are planted within the right of way. Deputy City Administrator Barb Smith tells KLGA News there is a process involved before you can plant a new tree that will need to be followed to receive the reimbursement.

While the city will help cover the costs of trees planted within the right of way, they are teaming up with Algona Municipal Utilities to help residents who would like to plant a new tree on private property.

Smith says they will review all applications to make sure you’re not planting the wrong type of tree in the wrong place.

Ash trees are not permitted, in an effort to mitigate the impact of the Emerald Ash Borer on the area. You can find the form and the list of prohibited trees online at or by contacting City Hall at 515-295-2411.

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