Defense Moves to Keep Certain Testimony Out of Murder Trial

by Brian Wilson

–Lawyers for Kyle Lou Ricke have filed a motion to preclude certain testimony from being heard during his 1st Degree Murder trial, which is scheduled to start in two weeks.

Monday was the deadline to file motions for consideration, as a pretrial conference will be held for the case on Friday.

In court documents filed in Kossuth County District Court, Attorney Matthew Pittenger is requesting that any mention of his client’s previous criminal record be excluded from the trial. Pittenger argues the testimony would be irrelevant to this particular case, and any possible relevancy would be far outweighed by the danger of unfairly prejudicing the jury.

The defense is also requesting that the state’s witnesses refrain from offering any opinions on the guilt or innocence of the defendant, or any mention of the fact he is on parole.

Ricke is charged with 1st Degree Murder in connection with the shooting death of Algona Police Officer Kevin Cram on the evening of September 13th, 2023. His trial has been moved to Dickinson County and is scheduled to begin on June 25th.

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