Community Health Seeking Public Input

by Brian Wilson

–Kossuth County Public Health is looking for county residents to take part in the Community Health Needs Assessment, as a part of the health improvement process.

The assessment is a community-wide process for identifying the most important factors impacting health in the community and developing a plan to improve overall health and wellness. The survey is offered every few years to help local health partners learn more about the needs in the area.

The community assessment and improvement process has been implemented in the state for more than 30 years and has served as the foundation for both local and statewide planning and actions to improve the health of all Iowans.

Paper copies of the survey will be sent to Kossuth County residents and are available in the Community Health Office in the basement at KRHC. They are also available online at

To learn more about the assessment process, you can contact Community Health by calling 515-295-4430.

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