Supervisors Continue Discussion on Pipeline Ordinance

by Brian Wilson

–The Kossuth County Board of Supervisors continued their discussion on the proposed changes to the county’s Zoning Ordinance that have been recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Planning and Zoning has recommended a couple of changes to the setbacks that have been proposed in the amended ordinance that would regulate the transportation of hazardous liquids in pipelines. Board Chairman Roger Tjarks and Vice Chairman Kyle Stecker said trying to determine the proper setback distances is something they will need expert advice on.

Stecker says the proposed setbacks could make both proposed pipeline projects nearly impossible to move forward with.

The board did not make any decisions on the proposal to amend the zoning ordinance and will continue the discussion at future meetings. The proposed CO2 Pipeline from Summit Carbon Solutions would travel through Southern Kossuth County, while the Navigator Pipeline project would travel through the northwest portion of the county.

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