Local Teen Competes at Genius Olympiad

by Brian Wilson

–A student at Algona High School recently had a chance to meet and compete with some of the best young minds from around the world. Hoyt Crouch, who will be a Senior this fall at AHS, attended the Genius Olympiad in Rochester, New York, along with over 500 of the best and brightest from nearly every state in the US and over 50-countries worldwide in mid-June. Crouch tells KLGA News it was a tremendous learning experience.

As a part of the trip, Crouch got to see Niagara Falls in person.

Crouch earned his trip to New York by winning a regional science fair competition that was held in Ames earlier this spring.

Crouch says some of the projects at the event were pretty extraordinary.

The event was hosted by the Rochester Institute of Technology June 12-17, and Crouch says he would definitely go again if possible.

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