Survey Shows Sales and Wages Up Across Kossuth and Palo Alto Counties

by Brian Wilson

–Results from the 2023 Business Survey conducted by the Kossuth/Palo Alto Economic Development Corporation show the area is slowly recovering from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Executive Director Maureen Elbert tells KLGA News the survey gives them a great snapshot of how things are going for area businesses.

Elbert says the survey can also show them how they can assist area businesses more efficiently.

The survey shows average annual wages in the two county area is up to $59,950 and local sales figures topped $3.9 Billion over the last year. Elbert says those figures are nice to see, but the survey also shows businesses are really struggling in some areas as well.

The survey shows 29% of area businesses expect to expand in the next 5 years, while nearly half of the companies who responded anticipate new products or services in the next 2 years.

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