Supervisors Pass 3rd Reading of Amended Zoning Ordinance

by Brian Wilson

–The Kossuth County Board of Supervisors passed the 3rd and final reading of an amended zoning ordinance that now will include regulations for hazardous liquid pipelines.

The board passed the 3rd reading by a vote of 4-1 Tuesday morning, with Supervisor Jack Plathe voting against. The ordinance will now be published in the county’s official outlets next week so the public can see the specifics before it can be formally adopted, which the Supervisors plan to do at their meeting on December 26th.

The amended zoning ordinance aims at keeping hazardous liquid pipelines at certain distances from things like homes, farm buildings parks and recreations areas, and other specified areas. Those distances were changed to 2600 feet last week.

It waits to be seen if the ordinance will be challenged in court after it is officially adopted. The Supervisors based their language off of a similar ordinance passed in Shelby County, however that ordinance was struck down by the courts last week before it could be implemented.

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