Three Found Dead at Residence Near Fort Dodge

by Brian Wilson

–Authorities are investigating what appears to be a double-murder/suicide Sunday night in rural Webster County, north of Fort Dodge.

According to the Webster County Sheriff’s Office, a 911 call was received just after 7:30 PM Sunday reporting that two people had been shot and the shooter had fled on foot from 2101 140th Street, about 2 miles northwest of the Fort Dodge Municipal Airport.

Upon arrival, Deputies found 2 female shooting victims in the garage, identified as 63-year-old Phyllis Versteeg and 39-year-old Molly Barlow. Webster County Sheriff Luke Fleener says life-saving measures were attempted on both females, but they were pronounced dead at the scene.

Law Enforcement then began a search of the immediate area sand located the body of a deceased male near the residence, identified as 41-year-old Duran Barlow. Authorities believe his wounds were self-inflicted.

The Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation is continuing the investigation into the incident, but Sheriff Fleener says there is no ongoing threat to the public.

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