Algona DAR Chapter Celebrating 100th Anniversary

by Brian Wilson

–The Algona Daughter’s of the American Revolution (DAR) chapter will celebrate their 100th anniversary this weekend with an event that is open to the public. Kathy Schenk serves as the Corresponding Secretary for the Algona DAR chapter, and she tells KLGA News they hope the public will come out and enjoy the festivities.

Schenk says if you have ever wondered if any of your relatives have been a member of the DAR, you can find out on Saturday.

To become a member of the DAR, you need to have a verified relative that served in the revolutionary war. Schenk says everyone who applies goes though the same process so it is fair and equitable to each person, and they will help you trace your roots.

Iowa has 43 DAR chapters and nearly 1,800 members statewide, and Schenk says they will have some state leaders at their event on Saturday.

The celebration will be held on Saturday, May 11th, to coincide with the exact date in which the Algona DAR chapter was founded 100 years ago. The event will run from 2-4 PM, with a program scheduled to begin at 2:30PM at the Water’s Edge Nature Center. To learn more about the Algona DAR chapter, you can go online to

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