Challenger Says Feenstra Not Conservative Enough for the 4th District

by Brian Wilson

The Republican who’s challenging Congressman Randy Feenstra in next month’s G-O-P Primary says Feenstra is not conservative enough to represent the fourth district. Kevin Virgil cites Feenstra’s support for the six budget bills that passed the House in March.

Virgil grew up on an O’Brien County farm and served in the Army. He joined the C-I-A after 9/11 and, after leaving the agency, Virgil founded a software firm that has won multi-million dollar contracts with the U-S Defense Department. In December, Virgil moved from New York to his family’s century farm near Sutherland.

Virgil made his comments at the Iowa G-O-P State Convention. Virgil supports “drastic measures” to reduce the federal government’s budget, power and authority. Virgil says Feenstra failed to support limits on a program federal intelligence agencies say is used to disrupt terrorist activities and cyber attacks.

Feenstra, who is seeking a third term in the U-S House, says he supported the national security legislation because due to Biden’s failed foreign policy our enemies no longer fear us and our allies no longer trust us. The June Primary is three weeks from today (Tuesday).

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