VA Mobile Clinic to Stop in Algona

by Brian Wilson

–Area veterans will get the chance to have some of their medical treatment done closer to home on July 1st. Kossuth County Veterans Affairs Director Dan Green tells KLGA News that the Central Iowa VA Virtual Mobile Clinic will stop in Algona that day to provide services that normally would require a road trip.

Green says area veterans sometimes travel over 2 hours away to receive their medical care.

Green says that the mobile clinic takes walk-ins, but veterans can schedule an appointment if they want.

The mobile clinic can cover basic needs on a walk-in basis, and more specialized care with an appointment.

The VA Virtual Mobile Clinic will be in Algona July 1st from 9-11:30AM at the Kossuth County Election Center in downtown Algona. Any veteran who would like to schedule an appointment can call 515-401-5452. Green says if area veterans take advantage of having the mobile unit in town, they can start to make this a more frequent occurrence.

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