Supervisors Consider 2% Raise for County Employees

by Brian Wilson

–The Kossuth County Board of Supervisors will consider a 2% pay raise for county employees through a budget amendment later this year. Supervisor Roger Tjarks put the item on the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting, and he says they can’t forget the employees as they consider restoring the funding to other areas targeted for budget cuts.

The board did not offer county employees a cost-of-living wage increase when crafting the current budget. They also approved making employees pay $250 a month to help cover costs if they take the county’s family insurance plan. Tjarks says making employees pay the costs of a budget shortfall will not work out in the long run.

Sheriff Roger Fisher told the board the current budget situation is a problem for his department as he is trying to replace a Deputy who recently retired, and two more who are leaving for other opportunities.

Fisher says he is not seeing the same number of applicants for open positions that the department used to get.

The board voted 3-2 to include a 2% salary increase in a budget amendment that will be offered sometime this fall.

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