Union Slough Tour Route Opens August 1st

by Brian Wilson

–The Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge will open their auto-tour route this week, following the completion of the primary nesting season. Assistant Refuge Manager Erich Gilbert tells KLGA News the refuge has handled the wet spring and summer months fairly well.

Gilbert says the high water levels can keep some birds from stopping at the refuge.

The tour route will open August 1st, and Gilbert says there is plenty of wildlife to be seen.

While the excess moisture can hinder the bird population on the refuge, it has been beneficial to the native plant life.

The tour route will be open from sunrise to sunset, beginning August 1st through September 20th. The tour begins at the Union Slough headquarters, located 6 miles east of Bancroft on County Road A42. Gilbert says animals are most active around sunrise and sunset, so plan accordingly if you want to take the tour.

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