Faris Selected as New Executive Director for K/PAEDC

by Brian Wilson

–A Southern Iowa man will be taking over as the new Executive Director of the Kossuth and Palo Alto Economic Development Corporation next month. Tod Faris will be moving to the area from Centerville where he has lived and worked for the last 3 decades.

Faris, who currently serves as the Economic Development and Community Relations Manager for the Chariton Valley Electric Cooperative, will be taking over the reigns from Maureen Elbert, who has led the Kossuth/Palo Alto Economic Development Corporation since 1998.

Faris says he is excited for the opportunity to help another rural area of the state grow and prosper.

While he hasn’t spent a lot of time in the area just yet, Faris says he has been able to take a look at what the area communities have in their business centers.

Faris will officially begin his duties with the Kossuth/Palo Alto Economic Development Corporation on September 23rd. Elbert announced in April that she would be retiring this fall after 26 years as Executive Director.

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