Bike Lanes to be Added on East McGregor Street

by Brian Wilson

–Work will be starting soon as the city of Algona looks to add bike lanes on East McGregor Street.

The city council approved the project earlier this month, adding the bike lanes along McGregor Street from Highway 169 heading east to Finn Drive.

From the highway to South Main Street, there will be a designated bike lane striped with paint that will be 5.5 feet wide, and a 2-foot buffer between the bike and vehicle lanes. From South Main Street to Finn Drive, there will be a painted shoulder striped on the edge of the road in each direction. The road is narrower in this stretch, meaning the wider bike lane is not feasible.

The project will help create a connection between the end of the current recreational trail and the Algona High School/Middle School Campus, something that has been desired for some time. It will also increase safety on a route commonly used by students riding their bikes or walking to school or the Algona Family YMCA.

The concept of using bike lanes to connect recreational trails and community assets was identified as a part of Algona’s Community Visioning Project back in 2022. Many of the focus group participants expresses interest in developing connections and additional trails in and surrounding Algona.

Planning for designated bike lanes on West McGregor Street from Highway 169 to the western city limits is currently underway, with work on that project planned for 2025. You can find out more by going online to

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