Voters can now Request Absentee Ballots for November

by Brian Wilson

Iowans who want to vote by mail can now start requesting absentee ballots for this fall’s election, as Tuesday was the first day county auditors can accept applications for those absentee ballots. Becky Bissell, president of the Iowa State Association of County Auditors, says it’s a good idea for Iowans to request ballots sooner rather than later to allow for processing at the auditor’s office and for mail times.

Bissell says if you want to vote absentee, get your application in as early as possible.

Registered voters can print an absentee ballot request form at or call their county auditor to have an application mailed to them. Completed ballot request forms must be mailed or delivered to the voter’s county auditor. County auditors can start sending ballots to voters on October 16th.

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