Cold Temps Bring Safety Issues for Kids in Car Seats

by Brian Wilson

–With winter-like temperatures settling in across the area, local safety officials are reminding parents of young children how they can keep their children warm and safe while sitting in a car seat. Brianne Wilson is a registered nurse and certified car seat technician in the Community Health Department at Kossuth Regional Health Center. She says that heavy winter clothing can cause safety issues when your child is riding in a car seat.

While it might seem strange to take your child out without a heavy coat on during the winter, Wilson says there are plenty of ways to keep them warm.

Wilson says they are more than happy to work with parents and give them any help they may need when it comes to properly securing your child in their car seat.

If you have questions, you can contact the Community Health Department by calling 515-295-4430. You can also find some winter car seat safety tips online by clicking on this link

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