Food Boxes Set Up in Algona to Help Those in Need

by Brian Wilson

–In an effort to combat food insecurity across the area, the Community Health Department at Kossuth Regional Health Center has teamed up with several area groups and businesses to create a handful of Food Lending Boxes. Cede Becker is a Registered Nurse in the Community Health Department, and she tells KLGA News they are simply responding to data they receive from Kossuth County residents.

The Food Lending Boxes are available for families in need at any time of day throughout the year.

Becker says they received help from a number of other groups to make the project a reality.

They also received help with the decals from Sign Works, got the materials for the boxes from Forge & Build and Wesley Lumber, while Brandon Becker dug the holes to place the posts for all the boxes. Becker says area residents can help restock these boxes throughout the year by simply making an extra purchase or two at the store.

Anyone who would like to donate items can take them directly to the boxes at any of the five locations or bring them to the Community Health office at KRHC. For more information, you can go online to or call 515-295-4430.

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