Cancer Patients and Survivors Seek Cap on Medical Debt

by Brian Wilson

A group of cancer patients, survivors and advocates is urging the Iowa legislature to cap the amount of interest than can be charged on medical debt. John Buntsma of Orange City says he talked last weekend with a man who had cancer — and had to declare bankruptcy because of his medical debts.

A recent American Cancer Society survey found nearly half of cancer patients and survivors have had medical debt. Over 60 percent of personal bankruptcies are due to unpaid medical bills. Marshalltown Mayor Joel Greer is among those asking the legislature to pass a bill placing a two percent limit on the interest that can be charged on medical bills.

Greer says the group’s other request is about Medicaid — asking that cancer patients be exempt from work requirements that may be ordered for Iowans enrolled in Medicaid.

Tuesday was the American Cancer Society’s annual Cancer Action Day at the Iowa Capitol, an event Greer started attending in 1986.

According to the Iowa Cancer Registry, about 21-thousand Iowans were diagnosed with cancer in 2024. Iowa is the only state where cancer rates are growing.

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