ACSD Band Program Looking for Instruments

by Brian Wilson

–Record numbers of band students in the Algona Community School District is leading to a lack of instruments available for those students to use. Kurt Kissinger serves as the Band Instructor at the Algona Middle School, and he tells KLGA News that those records numbers are a good problem to have.

Kissinger says they are accepting donations of any used instruments area residents may have laying around the house from when their children were a part of the band. He says they are in particular need of Clarinets and Trumpets.

Kissinger says the school district has been very accommodating in their efforts to serve all students who want to take part in band.

Kissinger says they have enough instruments for this year’s students, but supplies will be limited as new students join the program next year. If you have an instrument you would like to donate, you can drop it off in the office of the High School/Middle School building. If you have any questions, you can contact Kissinger at the school by calling 515-295-7207.

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