Council Learns More About Community Liaison

by Brian Wilson

–The Algona City Council heard a presentation from Community Liaison Marissa Miller during a work session held Monday afternoon. The position is being implemented at Law Enforcement offices across the state as a way to provide more time-focused assistance to the public, while also allowing Police and Sheriff’s Officers to get back to other case work more quickly. Miller highlighted the number of calls she has assisted officers with over the last year.

Miller had over 230 total interactions with the public in June of 2023 and over 170 in March of this year, the two highest months since she was hired.

Miller assists officers from the Algona Police Department and the Kossuth County Sheriff’s Office, with costs being split between the city and the county. Currently the costs of having a Community Liaison are covered by grant funding through this fiscal year. For the coming fiscal year, the city and county will have to come up with the money to keep the position in place.

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