September Dry Spell Brings Drought Back to Iowa

by Brian Wilson

State Climatologist Justin Glisan says rain is in the forecast for the next several days, but Iowa has been abnormally dry this month.

The latest Iowa Drought Monitor shows moderate drought conditions exist in about four percent of the state, affecting five counties in northeast Iowa as well as Fremont County in the southwest corner of the state. The rest of Iowa is rated abnormally dry. Warm temperatures this month have depleted some moisture in the top soil and, if that isn’t replenished before the ground freezes, it will be a concern heading into spring planting, however Glisan says it’s not a concern right now during harvest season.

The storm front that’s moved into the state today (Thursday) has displaced the large ridge of high pressure that prevented thunderstorms from forming.

Glisan says the outlook is for near normal rainfall in Iowa through the end of September.

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